




What‘s your favorite subject at school?

Can your tell me something about your hometown?Are there any traditional things in your hometown? What‘s the main transportation in your hometown?How can we improve Beijing to attract more visitors?Why are so many visitors in Beijing?

Do you often use mobile phones?Why?

How do you get news?Are newspapers important to Chinese? What are the differences between local newspapers and international newspapers?

Do you like sports?Which are your favorite sports teams?

What‘s your favorite time of a day?

Do you think gardens and parks are important to a city?

Where do you live, in a house or in a flat(公寓)? What are the differences between them? Are there any differences between the buildings in northern China and in southern China?

Are computers important?Should children learn computer skills?

What‘re your favorite colors?

How often do you write letters to your parents?

Do you often play games?(不要只想到computer games,其实hide-and-seek,tag,I-spy-with-my-little-eye,math games,spelling bee都是美国孩子常玩的游戏)

What games do most Chinese like playing? (比如hide-and-seek捉迷藏,chess,jump rubber band跳橡皮筋,kite-flying放风筝都是啊)

Do you like buying clothes?Why ? What are your favorite clothes? Formal or informal?

What're your favorite kinds of music? Do you think children should learn how to play musical instruments?

What‘s your favorite weather? What’s your favorite season?

Do you have any hobbies?

Do you like photography? What‘re your favorite kinds of photos?

Do you like painting or drawing? Why?Are they important to adults?

Which meal is your favorite meal, breakfast, lunch or dinner?

When do people give others presents/gifts?What do they give others?

Do you like traveling and why?

What are your favorite outdoor activities?What are your favorite sports?

Do you like shopping?Why?Who like shopping more,men or women?

What‘re your favorite kinds of movies? ☆Do you prefer to watch movies in cinemas or at home?

Part II Cue card (不同的题目之间可以合并答案,充分利用课上讲的话题和十大弱智话题,蹲点儿注意安全)

1) 人物

a person you‘d like to talk with; a person you care about ; a famous person ; an old person ; a person who lives with you ; a leader; a person who speaks a foreign language ; Describe two people from the same family ; A person in a book you read in childhood

2) 经历

a recent change ;a school holiday/ vacation ; a city / a part of the world you visited before; a trip/ journey ; an adventure; a childhood experience ;an important stage in your life;a big achievement ;a letter you received before ;a positive change in your life;a piece of advice ;


a festival( the spring festival) ; a traditional event

a sports event ; an enjoyable/ special event ;

4) 能力

Describe a job you want to do ;something that was made by yourself ;Describe a skill ; Describe a special meal; your favorite sport

5) 地点

a park ;a shop/ a business you‘d like to run ;

a library ;your house / room in your childhood ;

6) 故事

(这两个网站里面都是英语故事和 )

a story you heard / a book you read in your childhood; Describe a training course; an interesting/ useful book; your favorite newspaper; your favorite TV program

7) 不高兴的事

an unhappy shopping experience ;

an occasion that you were late for ;

8) 贵重物品

Describe a thing you lost before ;a piece of furniture ;Describe a vehicle ;what will you do if you have a lot of money;a piece of electronic equipment;your favorite clothes ;a piece of art or music;a gift ;a thing you saved money for





二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现broken English,即不成句的英语)。



①(名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…

②(名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…

③(名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.

④(地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.

⑤(时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.


原句 套用句型后

He is truly helpful. a. He is the kind of guy who is truly helpful.

b. He always gives others the impression of being someone who is truly helpful.

Suzhou is ancient but also modern. a. Suzhou is the kind of city which gives you the impression of being both ancient and modern.

b. Suzhou is a place where you can appreciate both the ancient culture and modern city lifestyle.

The film is interesting.a. This is one of the most interesting films I have ever seen.

b. This is the kind of movie which blows your mind.

The party is exciting. a. This is the most exciting party I have ever attended.

b. It’s a party that I will remember for the rest of my life.

On the weekend, I relax myself by reading.Weekends are the time when I relax myself by reading.





话题:What kinds of things make you laugh? 剑7中TEST 2的题目。于是讨论。讨论结果多种多样,覆盖了很多口语考试中的题目。在此不一一列举。大多数同学想到了喜剧、笑话,还有朋友聚会。当然,还有一些不一样的答案……此处和大家分享。

煽情版:Being with parents is the very thing that can make me laugh.

作为即将离开父母、远赴大洋彼岸的十几岁的孩子们,homesick将会成为他们生活中不可缺少的一个部分。在接下来的至少4年时间里,他们和父母相处的时间可能只能用“天”来计算了。从Foundation到Bachelor一般要4年,每年暑假(中国的春节)回家呆90天,四年一共是360天。期间,睡觉要用去1/3,走亲访友、同学聚会、逛街购物再用去1/3,只余下120天可以呆在家里。而这120天中,能够真正和父母坐在一起聊聊家常的时间,每天也就只有4个小时。算下来,there are only 20 days we can REALLY be with our parents in the following 4 YEARS!!! 这难道不是一个惊人的数字吗?每一个留学的孩子在假期结束时,都会以分、以秒来计算和家人相处的时间,因为一旦走出海关,登上飞机,自己面前的是又一个长达9个月的分别……So this laughter is not just the sound “ha-ha”, it is a feeling of happiness, a sense of safety, a true emotion from the bottom of our heart, which can be found ONLY when we are home.


实话实说版:A score of 7 can definitely make me laugh.

这是一个学生给出的答案。(我被她的过分直白“震汗”了~~-_-||)虽然她并没有把答案完整地说出来,但是当她说出a score of 7的时候,眼睛中透出的一份期盼、一份得意和一份不敢相信,已经很好地诠释了她的语言。对于很多中国考生来说,一次考个7分(average or overall)总会让我们有一点点白日梦的感觉,但又不是完全不能实现。这个7分是一个肯定、一个成就,也是一个礼物,一份惊喜。如果你的表情足够配套,那么这份直白和勇敢一定能够打动考官的!

The reason why a 7 can make me laugh is because it is not only a score, it symbolizes my achievement in English study. It means I didn’t make effort in vain! Not to exaggerate, a 7 in IELTS for me is like a Nobel Price for those scientists! (不过这时候注意考官情绪,毕竟我们不是去“要”一个7分回来。如果觉得自己没有表达好,可以加上后面的句子作为弥补。) Maybe now it IS a daydream, but I bet it WON’T be long for me to get a real 7, coz I believe No Pains, No Gains. 发扬灰太狼精神么“我会回来(拿7分)的”!

如果你在“人物 PEOPLE”方面准备比较充分,它就可以是: Meeting someone special can make me laugh. 然后,你可以大大方方地把话题转到a singer, a host/presenter, an actor/actress, a teacher, a neighbor……

物体OBJECT和地点PLACE:Reading an old letter/Seeing a photo can make me laugh coz it reminds me of my sweet memory when I was …… 好了,聪明的你们会想到该怎么继续了。其实,回忆可以是一样的,说个比较不一样的东西就可以了。




求2009年12月5日重庆 雅思口语的试题


1. A speech that influences you

2. 历史遗迹 扩展---你喜欢旅游吗?





3. 健康 how to keep fit and stay healthy?

4. tv program 扩展---hobby



5. 玩具

6. 假期计划

7. 图书馆

8. a change in your life 扩展---人们喜欢不喜欢改变?


9. 电影

10. 你想学的一个科目

11. 你最喜欢的家乡的一个地方

12. 一首有意思的儿歌

13. a family member you want to live with 扩展---how long have you lived with her/him?

how does he/she influence you?

14. traffic jam/ block

15. 你从电话里听到的一个好消息



TIPS:大家在回答第2部分的问题的时候,如果一下没有头绪或者思路,可以根据他给的CUE CARD上面的提示进行解答,用一些连接的词语或者句子连接起来就构成了你的回答。


decribe a movie you like best

you should say:

what movie it is

when you saw it

what the movie is about

and explain why you like the movie


well, i am going to start off by telling you which movie is my favorite. it 's called life is beautiful.

i first saw it when i was in high school. i have to admit that it's a great movie and everytime i watch it and my eyes are alwaying filling with tears.

i would love to share with you what the movie about since i just adore the movie. it's a story of a jewish italian, who must employ his fertile imagination to help his son survive in the concentration camp. (可以再具体一点)

going on to my next point which is why i am so into this movie is that...


in addition to that/ additionally/ moreover/ furthermore/ 加入自己另一点原因




when it comes to the speech which influences me most, i would not hesitate to say it's the one given by our headmaster in high school. it was on the first day of school. you know, my high school is not really a great one and a lot of students were not satisfied with the situation, neither was i. i was angery at myself and really puzzled about my future---how could i get into a decent university from this shabby school? then her speech totally changed my attitude towards my life. i still remember she was wearing a red dress, standing in front of all the students. she said, i know you are not happy with everything right now--- the school, the score you got which got you here... but i want you to know that, every school has good and bad students, even the top schools in the world.but you can be still be excellent in a not so good school as long as you work harder. after she finished her speech, the students all stood up and gave her a big hand. i was totally welling up. that was defintely what i needed at that moment, a push from the teacher, to tell me my life still could be great if i want to make it happen. that was also a lessen for life. everytime i am almost about to complain or give up on something, i will think about her speech, everything is possible if you let it be possible.

这个也可以用来说a change in life,对你生活的一个改变。


people will never argue that health is important to us. within six decades, china has lifted hundreds of people out of poverty(学奥巴马的,呵呵)and the health condition of chinese people has been also improved a lot. people are beginning to pay attention to their own health.

take my mum for example, she is really into collecting info of keeping fit. i am more than happy to share my mum's secret health-keeping ways with you. she asks us to drink a glass of warm water with honey every morning with empty stomach. we should eat enough vegetable to get enough vitamine...

continuing with my next point which is why health means so much to us...



男孩常玩的popgun/water gun, transformer robot, romote car/ship, marbles, yo-yo ball

女骇常玩的barbie dolls/ stikers/ jigsaw puzzle/ lego


traffic jam/block

when/when/how do you feel about it

when i saw the topic of this cue card, i got goose bumps all over.:) i have to admit that i really loathe traffic block! i still remember my experience in guilin. i was there on holiday 1 year ago. i would use a chinglish phrase to decribe it, literally, people mountain, people see,which is similar to the english phrase "packed like a sardine can"(大家使用人山人海的时候,一定要体现自己能够解释的能力,要不是反倒弄巧成拙,搞的考官一头雾水) we were traveling with a tour agency. they took us to different scenic spots there. you know what, we spent twice as much time on the road as we were in the park. and the time in the park was as miserable as on the bus. i simply couldn't see the so-called beautiful views, instead of that, we could only see thousands of people moving in front of us.








