






Describe something expensive you bought

What it was

How much was it

When you bought it

And explain if you are happy with your purchase

Ok, right then, I’m going to describe something expensive I bought. Actually, there are quite a few things I could talk about, but probably one of the purchases I’m most happy with is my sound system. As for how much it cost, well, if my memory serves me correctly, it was somewhere in the region of six to seven thousand Renminbi.


I know that sounds quite pricey for a sound system, but I’m a huge music fan and so I wanted to get a relatively decent one. Regarding when I bought it, well to be honest with you, I can’t remember exactly, but I guess it must have been about two or three years ago, not long after I’d moved into a new flat, and I remember thinking that it was a good time to clear out some of my old stuff and get a few new things, like some new speakers! And finally, with regard to if I’m happy with my purchase, well basically, yeah, I’m super happy with it, the main reason being that the sound quality is incredible, and whenever I listen to music at home now, it sounds like it’s being performed live.


So now I actually listen to music a lot more than when I used to, and thankfully so far I’ve had no complaints from the neighbours! Oh and I nearly forgot, the other good thing about it is that it’s great for watching films, because the sound quality is so clear and crisp, almost cinema-quality! So I would say it was definitely worth the money! Ok, I think I’ve covered pretty much everything, so thanks for listening.




Before I go to school all the time Cycling, due to distant schools, each have spent nearly an hour to get to school. Suddenly one day, my father sent me an electric motorcycles, and since then, I have to go to school every day Jizhe Ta. Electric motorcycle speed faster than a bike a lot, so whether to go to school or to any other place, it is our province to have a lot of time and effort. Electric motorcycle is very important to me, I have become part of life, but the most important point is that it is environmental protection, the entire community and the world are of utmost importance.

First, the use of electric motorcycles do not need gasoline, saving not only the individual and the state expenditure, and also to the whole world of sustainable development made a significant contribution.

Second, the noise is very small, for our ears to reduce a lot of burden.

Finally, because it no emissions, which in large measure to reduce the air pollution, if the majority of people travel in the selection of electric motorcycles, it will greatly slow down the greenhouse effect of increased speed.

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