

雅思口语train-雅思口语traffic jam



1. 前后对比或转折


However 然而

Example: Our local government has promised to improve air quality. So far, however, little has been achieved.

Nevertheless 尽管如此

Example: There is little chance that we will succeed. Nevertheless, it is important that we try.

Mind you 不过

Example: I don’t like the job. But mind you/still, the money’s ok.

In spite of / despite 尽管如此

Example: The train was an hour late. In spite of this, I managed to get to the meeting in time.

2. 理清结构


A. First (ly), first of all, to begin / start with, in the first place, for starters

B. Second (ly), next, another reason

C. Third (ly), lastly, finally, for the last part, last but not least


Q: Do you think the government has a responsibility to encourage old people to learn new things?

A: NO, I don’t think so. First of all, learning new things is never easy, especially for senior citizens….Secondly, learning or not is one’s right…

在这个范例中,通过first of all 和secondly两个表达的应用,考官很容易就能get到考生要表达的观点。

3. 补充观点,进一步解释说明



Moreover, furthermore, in addition, as well as that, what is more/worse, besides, on top of that, another thing is…

Example: She borrowed my bike and never give it back. As well as that/ on top of that/ what’s more/ what's worse, she broke the microscope in our lab and pretended she hadn’t.

I mean 进一步解释说明

Example: The party was so boring. I mean, they all sat around and talked about football/shoes.

Actually 给出更多细节, 尤其是意想不到的内容

Example: The food in that restaurant was not all that experience. Actually, some were even cheaper than those all street side stalls.

That is to say, in other words 换句话说

Example: I can’t continue working with you. That is to say / in other words, unless you do something about your laziness, I will have to team up with someone else.

4. 概括总结

雅思口语和写作还是有区别的,不必一定要用一段话来sum up自己的观点,但是如果时间还没到,自己已经无话可说了,这个时候就可以通过review来补充时间:

On the whole, in general, in all/most/many/some cases, broadly speaking, by and large, to a great extent, to some extent

前面一些比较常用的,圈哥就不多说啦~ 下面几个则是用得比较少,或者无法直接从字面上判断意思的:

By and large 总的来说

Example: By and large, Chinese people are peace-loving, law-abiding citizens.

To a great extent 很大程度上

Example: To a great extent, a person’s character is formed in their early childhood.

5. 例外情况


Except for

Example: She wrote all of the songs on the album except for the final track.

Apart/aside from

Example: Apart/Aside from the final track, all of the songs on the album were written by her.

With the exception of

Example: With the exception of the final track, this album is a huge disappointment.




 1. I am a student studying in Wuhan University, and I major in Computer Science.


2. I chose my major because I thought it was popular, so it will be easier for me to find a job after graduation.


3. I came from Hubei province.


4. I love my hometown because there are a lot of places of interest and delicious food here.


5. The most famous attraction is Yellow Crane Tower. It was built hundreds of years ago besides the Yangtze River.


6. Every year millions of tourists visit the tower coming from different parts of China.


7. And the most welcomed snack is the hot dry noodle, even though some outlanders do not appreciate it at the beginning, they will love it finally.


8. My favourite season is definitely winter, because I was born in winter.


9. What's more, I can enjoy the beautiful view after snow while all the buildings and trees are covered by white snow.


10. The most important things is that I could enjoy the whole winter vacation and celebrate the Spring Festival with family.


11. Blue is my favourite, as it has the same colour with sky and ocean. Both of those are enormous.


12. When people are in bad mood, they can go to the wild field, lay down on the grass and look into the sky or drive a car to the beach to see the sea.


13. I believe they will feel much better when they are surrounded by the attractive natural beauty.


14. I watched a fantastic movie named "Brave Heart" when I was in the second year in college.


15. It presented a Scottish hero, "Wiliam Wallace" who led his people to fight for freedom.


16. Unfortunately, he was set up by his partner and executed at the end.


17. However, his last screaming invoked Scottish people and encouraged them to pick up his sword to defend their homeland and protect their citizens from the invasion of England.


18. In China, the most popular flower must be rose, as people believe that the rose stands for love.


19. The youth always give roses to their lovers to show how much they love each other.


20. As for me, Lily is the most meaningful flower, not only because it is beautiful and smells good, but also because it has a similar pronunciation with "Love each other forever" in Chinese.

关于雅思口语考试时间安排问题 急!!




3、你可看看我们总结的HOT TOPIC ,多加练习吧!

1. Why parents would prefer to home school their children?

Parents prefer to home school their children because it has been observed that children who are home schooled tend to be able to make it to international universities. Most people would be concerned about the child having an abnormal social life as he will not have any classmates when he is home schooled. Surprisingly, home schooled children seemed to be well rounded as compared to children who go to the traditional schooling. Parents can pay particular attention on the weakness of the child and focus on how to improve this when home schooling.

2. What are the advantages of Chinese education that you think should be passed on to the next generation?

Chinese characters seem to be complicated, yet very interesting because each stroke and character has a meaning of its own. When a character is combined with another character, the meaning becomes different already. Chinese history is very rich in culture and values which are essential in one’s character and lifestyle. Sadly, not all the Chinese are lucky enough to be able to learn all these things.

3. Do you think that having a 9 year-compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future?

I am not convinced about the idea that a 9-year compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future. It would really depend on the child’s emotional maturity, character, capacity, intellect and resilience to be able to have a bright future. Most of the tycoons that we know did not come from well to do backgrounds, thus some of them were not able to finish even the elementary level. A bright future is not only gauged on material gains, but on how much this individual has contributed for the benefit of those around him.


Media – Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Television and Advertisement are all parts of Media. In the IELTS speaking test, there are a variety of questions comparing these different media types because it is considered to be the most powerful source of information that can straightly affect and influence people. Media is widely spread all over different places and countries. Most of the time it can change people’s way of life and way of thinking ,so examiners would like to know how you think and feel about it. Here are some examples of questions related to media in the IELTS speaking test.

1. Do you think that we should have censorship in TV programs?

Yes, I think that we should definitely have censorship in TV programs. I speak not only for the children but for the adults as well. What we see on TV do affect our subconscious level more than we are actually aware of. X rated films and violent programs are major factors why crime and violence are very rampant in the world we are living in.

2. Why some people are willing to spend a lot of money in purchasing magazines?

Magazines can be source of leisure yet can be informative as well that is why some people do not hesitate to splurge their money on these things. Through magazines, we can read about the life of some of our favorite celebrities. We get to also learn about practical tips about budgeting, fashion, improving our homes, etc. It is a source of entertainment where learning is fun and not forced.

3. What kind of influence can advertisement give to people?

Advertisement either compels people to buy or refrain them from buying certain things or from doing certain actions without their conscious awareness. It is a very powerful tool to influence the mindset of people both young and old. All types of advertisement seem to have this kind of impact whether they are found on the billboards on the trains, buses and roads, whether they are found in the magazines or newspapers, and whether they are seen on TV. Advertisement has great power to boost or break a particular brand.

HOT TOPIC THREE Science and Technology

Science and technology – This is one of those things that is changing rapidly in the society. Computers, MP 4, appliances are all part of the development of Science and technology. Any kind of change about these things usually has a very strong impact on us, some positive and some negative. Questions about pros and cons about this topic are often asked by the examiners during the exam. And anything about science and technology can become a question in IELTS speaking test. Here are some example questions candidates should know.

HOT TOPIC FOUR Flat and House

Flat and House – The most “in” topic in the last quarter of the year 2009. It is actually also one of the hottest topics last year, the year 2008. The difference between house and flat are the most in demand question about this topic. To be able to answer the questions well, candidates should at least know the difference between the two and have opinions about each one of them. What kind of decorations, and things that can be found inside a house or apartment should also be known by the candidates who are preparing to take the test?


Law – This topic caused panic and anxiousness to the students in the first quarter and through the second quarter of this year. Because most of the students do not have anything to say about it. Plus, the fact that this topic needs a certain depth in both their language ability and knowledge to be able to conquer and answer the questions about law. In my opinion, students should know and be definite about the punishment of the law that they want to say. If not, or students are not sure of their knowledge, it is wise to give opinionated answers rather than giving information and details about it .Take note : There are no right or wrong in one’s opinion!

HOT TOPIC SIX Transportation

Transportation — Transportation topic in IELTS speaking test includes questions about bus, subway, train etc. Bicycle is often asked during the exam because it represents a strong culture of the Chinese people in terms of transportation. Examiners like to ask questions regarding special culture and means of lifestyle of a place. It is indeed a part of every one’s life.


Pollution – A huge problem in the society that should be solved immediately and that is why this topic is also tackled in IELTS speaking test. We are facing a variety of pollution problem such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution etc. Examiners would like to know how the candidates feel about this serious problem and methods to solve them .


Population – Population is indeed the biggest and worst problem of China. The effect of this problem is widely talked about in news, debates and even in IELTS oral exams. How to reduce the population is also one of the most important thing that people should care about. Adequate knowledge about questions regarding the negative effects of population and positive ways of solving this problem are necessary if you want to take the IELTS exam.




 HOT TOPIC ONE Education


Education was one of the most “hot” topics in 2009. Examiners would like to know the different situations of the education in one’s country and how it differs from the others. Good education is one of the most important right a citizen should have .Therefore; examiners would like to hear different views and opinions towards this topic. Without adequate knowledge about this topic, candidates will have a difficult time answering these questions.


1. Why parents would prefer to home school their children?


Parents prefer to home school their children because it has been observed that children who are home schooled tend to be able to make it to international universities. Most people would be concerned about the child having an abnormal social life as he will not have any classmates when he is home schooled. Surprisingly, home schooled children seemed to be well rounded as compared to children who go to the traditional schooling. Parents can pay particular attention on the weakness of the child and focus on how to improve this when home schooling.


2. What are the advantages of Chinese education that you think should be passed on to the next generation?


Chinese characters seem to be complicated, yet very interesting because each stroke and character has a meaning of its own. When a character is combined with another character, the meaning becomes different already. Chinese history is very rich in culture and values which are essential in one’s character and lifestyle. Sadly, not all the Chinese are lucky enough to be able to learn all these things.


3. Do you think that having a 9 year-compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future?


I am not convinced about the idea that a 9-year compulsory schooling is enough to have a bright future. It would really depend on the child’s emotional maturity, character, capacity, intellect and resilience to be able to have a bright future. Most of the tycoons that we know did not come from well to do backgrounds, thus some of them were not able to finish even the elementary level. A bright future is not only gauged on material gains, but on how much this individual has contributed for the benefit of those around him.




Media – Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Television and Advertisement are all parts of Media. In the IELTS speaking test, there are a variety of questions comparing these different media types because it is considered to be the most powerful source of information that can straightly affect and influence people. Media is widely spread all over different places and countries. Most of the time it can change people’s way of life and way of thinking ,so examiners would like to know how you think and feel about it. Here are some examples of questions related to media in the IELTS speaking test.


1. Do you think that we should have censorship in TV programs?


Yes, I think that we should definitely have censorship in TV programs. I speak not only for the children but for the adults as well. What we see on TV do affect our subconscious level more than we are actually aware of. X rated films and violent programs are major factors why crime and violence are very rampant in the world we are living in.


2. Why some people are willing to spend a lot of money in purchasing magazines?


Magazines can be source of leisure yet can be informative as well that is why some people do not hesitate to splurge their money on these things. Through magazines, we can read about the life of some of our favorite celebrities. We get to also learn about practical tips about budgeting, fashion, improving our homes, etc. It is a source of entertainment where learning is fun and not forced.


3. What kind of influence can advertisement give to people?


Advertisement either compels people to buy or refrain them from buying certain things or from doing certain actions without their conscious awareness. It is a very powerful tool to influence the mindset of people both young and old. All types of advertisement seem to have this kind of impact whether they are found on the billboards on the trains, buses and roads, whether they are found in the magazines or newspapers, and whether they are seen on TV. Advertisement has great power to boost or break a particular brand.


HOT TOPIC THREE Science and Technology


Science and technology – This is one of those things that is changing rapidly in the society. Computers, MP 4, appliances are all part of the development of Science and technology. Any kind of change about these things usually has a very strong impact on us, some positive and some negative. Questions about pros and cons about this topic are often asked by the examiners during the exam. And anything about science and technology can become a question in IELTS speaking test. Here are some example questions candidates should know.


HOT TOPIC FOUR Flat and House


Flat and House – The most “in” topic in the last quarter of the year 2009. It is actually also one of the hottest topics last year, the year 2008. The difference between house and flat are the most in demand question about this topic. To be able to answer the questions well, candidates should at least know the difference between the two and have opinions about each one of them. What kind of decorations, and things that can be found inside a house or apartment should also be known by the candidates who are preparing to take the test?




Law – This topic caused panic and anxiousness to the students in the first quarter and through the second quarter of this year. Because most of the students do not have anything to say about it. Plus, the fact that this topic needs a certain depth in both their language ability and knowledge to be able to conquer and answer the questions about law. In my opinion, students should know and be definite about the punishment of the law that they want to say. If not, or students are not sure of their knowledge, it is wise to give opinionated answers rather than giving information and details about it .Take note : There are no right or wrong in one’s opinion!


HOT TOPIC SIX Transportation


Transportation — Transportation topic in IELTS speaking test includes questions about bus, subway, train etc. Bicycle is often asked during the exam because it represents a strong culture of the Chinese people in terms of transportation. Examiners like to ask questions regarding special culture and means of lifestyle of a place. It is indeed a part of every one’s life.




Pollution – A huge problem in the society that should be solved immediately and that is why this topic is also tackled in IELTS speaking test. We are facing a variety of pollution problem such as air pollution, water pollution and noise pollution etc. Examiners would like to know how the candidates feel about this serious problem and methods to solve them .




Population – Population is indeed the biggest and worst problem of China. The effect of this problem is widely talked about in news, debates and even in IELTS oral exams. How to reduce the population is also one of the most important thing that people should care about. Adequate knowledge about questions regarding the negative effects of population and positive ways of solving this problem are necessary if you want to take the IELTS exam.



1. We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency, Accuracy, and Appropriateness. That is to say, we have to pay more attention to practical communicating ability instead of only laying emphasis on the grammatical correctness.


2. If English partners are not easy to get, then we have to create an English environment ourselves by speaking English to ourselves.


3. Try to find some partners practicing oral English together and English corner is a good place as where we may exchange English study experience, widen our sight and improve interest in English.


4. This method is very effective and easy to insist on--interpreting Chinese-English novels or books. First we read theChinese parts and then try to interpret them into English and then compare our interpretation with the original versions in the novels or books so that we can find out the mistakes, shortcomings and progresses in our interpretation.

这种方法非常有效且很容易坚持---口译汉英对照(或英汉对照)的小说或其它读物.先我们先读汉语部分,然后逐句直接口译成英文,完成一小段后,去看书上的对应英文部分并与我们的口译进行比较,我们马上可以发现我们口译的错误,缺点和进步. 请注意:开始要选择较简单的读物,且应大量做,只做一两篇效果是不明显的.开始可能较慢,费时较多,但请坚持,整体上这是一个加速的过程.

高阶段请计时练习,以加快反应速度和口语流利度. 作为成人学英语,记忆力差是个拦路虎,作复述练习或背诵课文往往力不从心,或者由于词汇量太小觉得直接作口译太难,那么这样做可以非常有效地解决这个问题::先学习英文课文,通篇理解透彻后,再来看汉语译文, 把汉语译文口译回英文. 这样等于既作复



(1). 自己就可以练习口语,想练多久,就练多久.

(2). 始终有一位高教师指出您的不足和错误---英文原文.

(3). 题材范围广,可以突破我们自己的思维禁锢,比如我们总是喜欢谈论我们自己熟悉的话 题,所以我们总是在练习相同的语言,进步当然就缓慢了.

(4). 选择小说,幽默故事或好的短文阅读,使我们有足够的兴趣坚持下去.

(5). 有一些我们在直接学习英语课文时被我们熟视无睹的地道的英语用法会被此法发掘出来.

(6). 对所学知识和所犯错误印象深刻.这等于我们一直在作汉译英练习,很多英文译文是我们费尽心思憋出来的,所以印象相当深刻.比直接学习英文课文印象要深的多.

(7). 经过大量的练习,你会有这样的感觉:没有什么东西你不能翻译,你的翻译水平大大加强了,你的口语表达力大大提高了!

5. Oral composition and 3-minute training method: This method is suitable for intense training. Making an oral composition about a certain topic for one minute the first time and record the composition on tape at the same time. Then listen to the composition and find out the room for improvement. Then make the same composition for two minutes for the second time and also record it. And at last repeat the above-mentioned for three minutes.


6. Interpreting what you hear---Changing Roles: Three people make a group: one speaks Chinese, one speaks English acting as the foreigner, one acts as interpreter. Then change roles. This is a good interpreting training method and is good for studying from one another. In addition, it may improve the responding ability and speed of students. The advanced stage of this method is simultaneous interpretation.


7. Retelling exercise:

Retell some articles or English stories in our own words.



8. If possible, we may read some English tongue twisters loudly and quickly with one or two cakes of candy in our mouth (just as the Chinese cross-talk actors do.) to train our oral cavity muscle and tongues suitable for English pronunciation.



☆A big black bug bit the back of a big black bear. The big black bear bit back the big black bug.

☆This fish has a thin fin; That fish has a fat fin; This fish is a fish that has a thinner fin than that fish.

9. Paying more attention to phrases and small words as one major shortcoming of Chinese English (especially Chinese oral English) is that Chinese students tend to use big words in their oral language, but the idiomatic oral English is abundant with short, active and vivid phrases. And most of such phrases are made of small words.

10. Oral English has its own features, but it is closely combined with other aspects of English, for example, writing may make oral English precise and accurate.


11. Thinking in English.


(1). 大量根据图片来了解生词的含义,故事的情节.这是少儿英语中常用的方法,也适用于成人.

(2). 习惯于使用英-英字典而不是英-汉字典会起相当重要的作用.

(3). 加强听力训练,尤其是听用英语解释英语的课程讲解.

(4). 如果没有机会拥有封闭的语言环境的话, 就好尝一下自我封闭语言环境的造与训练.如:强迫自己在一周内所有要表达的话,全部用英语表达.只要你能坚持一周,效果就相当明显,而无论你所表达的英语有多糟!







4城市发展development of city



7 an thing which is not easy forget

8欣赏的名人people who is famous


10apartment AND housing

11web site




15影响最大的人people who influent you

16日常的一天daily time



19动物(野生)wild animal



22春节spring festival

23好朋友good friend



26玩具。有意义的东西toy. meaning thing



29中国教育Chinese education

30自我介绍(尽可能详细)introduce myself



33空闲时间spare time


35学习英语。学习经验study english.experience

36社会问题social question


38敬佩的人people who you admire

39长的象的人people who you look like


41计算机前的发明 an invention before computer




45坏习惯bad habit

46少数民族an ethnic minonty



49国际援助 inte ernational aid

50孩童时开心的事childhood happy things

1. describe your favorite animal

2. describe relaxation method

3. describe communication method

4. describe al job you are interested in

5. describe sth old in your family


6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood

7. describe a library

8. describe a physical exercise

9. describe a store

10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper

11. an advertisement

describe an advertisement you like.


what it is like

why you like it

12. a school you attended

describe a school you attended.

what it was

the advantages of studying there

your pleasure of learning there

13. a piece of clothes or jewelry you have

describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special time?

what it is

what you look like when you wear it?

how you feel when you wear it

14. a room of yours

describe your favorite room in your home.

what it is

what it looks like

what you often do in the room

why you like it

15. change in your life

describe a change in your life.

when it happened

what it was like

why you changed

16. the part of a day you like most

describe the part of day you like most


what you do why you like it

17.describe the city you enjoyed visiting.

what it is

when you went there

what you enjoyed

18.describe an old man you are familiar with.

who he/she is

how you got to know him/her

how he/she has influenced you

19.describe a river or lake you have seen.

where it is

when you went there

what it was like

20. handicraft

describe something which was made by yourself

what you made

how you made it

what it was used for

explain how you felt after it was finished.

21.describe the best present you got in your life.

what it was

how you got it

how you felt

explain why it is special for you.

22.describe your favorite way of transport.

what it is

why you like it

the advantages and disadvantages of it

explain how often you use it.

23.describe a famous person you admire.

who this person was

what he did

what was special about him or her

explain why you would like to meet him or her

24.describe your favorite movie.

what it is

why you like it

what is in the film

explain how often you see this type of film.

25. a holiday

26. describe your best friend.

how you knew each other

how you became friends

how you spend time together

explain why he/she is your best friend

27. describe an electric equipment you use in your life.

what the machine is

how you use it

how often you use it

explain why it is important to you

28. describe a subject you studied at school.

when you learned it

who taught it

how the teacher taught it

explain why it was your favorite.

29. describe a building.

what it is

what the location is

what it looks like

explain why you want to talk about it.

30. describe a club or team or organization you joined


