


雅思口语part1有哪些真题? ?
















Describe an exciting sport (you would like to try).

You should say:

what sport it is;

how you got to know it;

whether it is difficult to do;

and explain why you think it is exciting.


Scuba diving

Sanya summer vacation

easier than it seems - licensed coach

why - different

a. under the sea - sea creatures, enchanting

b. a cool workout - water resistance, works the whole body, cool gadgets


同时,如果考试时遇到曾经练习过的话题,我们的思路应该是快过写字的速度的。为了节省时间,笔记不要写完整的单词,更不要写句子,写下你自己熟悉的符号或者缩写即可(画画, 写中文都行,草纸上写什么考官不care)。例如:

s. diving

SY, sum

seem - coach

diff 1. under sea - creatures - enchanting

2. cool w/o - water resist,whole body, gadgets



boat等话题,也可以用来回答a seaside place, sth you do to keep healthy, something

you would like to buy in the future, a trip you would like to make

again, a surprise 等其雅思口语boat他卡片题和提高题。




Part 1

1.Work / study




5.Public transport






Part 2

1.Describe your favorite piece of clothing.

2.Describe a way to stay healthy

3.Describe a subject of science that you learned in high school

4.Describe someone who is a good parent

5.Describe a time you felt happy that you used your cellphone

6.Describe an achievement that you are proud of

7.Describe an interesting person from another country

8.Describe an exciting book.

9.Describe a businessman that you admire

10.Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

11.Describe a piece of furniture in your home

12.Describe an advertisement that you saw or heard or liked

13.Describe an interesting place that few people know

14.Describe a car journey you went on

15.Describe a dream home.

16.Describe an impressive work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.

17.Describe an important letter you received.

18.Describe a good decision someone made

19.Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as theater or a music hall)

20.Describe a public park or garden



 Do you like travelling?

You bet! I am a big fan of travelling around. I spend months all together each year to go somewhere else. I feel that it’s not only an indispensable part of my life, but also can culture my mental development.

In which seasons do you prefer to travel?

I guess the autumn is the best time to travel, as it is neither too hot nor too cold, people will feel comfortable to go out. Besides, as the foliage of trees will turn yellow or red, you will find the picturesque views all around you. Wherever you go, you will experience a memorable trip.

Would you say your country is a good place for travellers to visit?

Yes, Chinese people are renowned for their hospitality to visitors. And there are also numerous tourist attractions around the country. For instance, you can visit the natural landscape to see the picturesque views, or you can go to the historical relics to know the events through the long Chinese history, or you can just stay at the metropolises to experience the local people’s lifestyle.


Describe an interesting tourist attraction

You should say

Where it is

What you can do there

And explain why you think it is interesting


Ok then, well the tourist attraction that I’d like to talk to you about is West Lake, which is here in Hangzhou. And I apologize if you’ve already heard a lot of other candidates talk about it, but out of all the tourist attractions I know, West Lake is the one I’m most familiar with, and I really do think it lives up to its reputation as being one of the most beautiful lakes in China.

But anyway, as for where it is, well as I mentioned just now, it’s here in Hangzhou, but to be more specific, it’s actually right in the heart of the city, so um… yeah, it’s very accessible, and also very easy to find. For example, it’s only, like, a five-minute taxi ride from the train station, and you can also get the subway there.

And um… regarding what you can do there, well, a good way to take in all the scenery is to just wander around the lake. And there are also quite a few teahouses dotted around the lake, some more expensive than others, I might add, so if you do go to one, it’s a good idea to take a quick look at the prices before you sit down and make yourself comfortable, otherwise you might be in for a bit of a shock!

What else? Um..…. Oh yeah, of course, you can go on a boat on the lake, and if it’s your first time there, then it’s something you should definitely do, because I’d say it’s probably the best way to experience the beauty of the lake and its surroundings.

So yeah, it’s a really interesting place to visit, and if you haven’t been there yet, you should definitely go if you ever have the chance!

拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解

拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解!在雅思口语考中,考官在什么地方就给你打定分数了呢?天真的烤鸭会说在part3答完之后,普通的烤鸭大约认为是在part2结束之后。其实啊真相只有一个,大部分的烤鸭,在它完成了雅思口语part1前3个问题之后,考官基本就给你确定分数了。是不是很可怕?一起来看看雅思口语part1答题技巧吧。 雅思口语part1开始部分的回答很重要,一方面,好的开头会给考官留下好的印象,你在考官心中的预期分数是往上走的趋势,另一方面,对自己来说,靠前面较为简单的题目建立信心,才有足够的心气完成后面的part2和part3。请看本位的雅思口语老师从自身教学实际出发分析的各种考见光死型的问题及3种提升技巧。 雅思口语考中,开始答题的阶段非常重要,直接关系到我们接下来的考状态,答得好可以令接下里来的发挥更加精彩,连连得分,答得不好则影响到整个答题的方向还有心态,当然容易丢分,所以说好口语考“句话”是需要技巧的。你的雅思口语part1回答丢分了么? 在咱们真正口语考的时候,往往你Part1每个问题回答的句话,就已经足以令考官给你口语的分数定个大致的范围了。你的句话让考官觉得是5分上下呢?还是6分上下呢? 雅思口语part1答题误区:不回答问题 貌似不可能的事情,但实际就真实发生在咱们很多同学身上。 如果我用中文问:在你附近有很多游泳的地方吗?那我们正常的回答是:有,没有或者不多。我们会先做出一个直接的回应,再做相应的解释。 但当把同样的问题变成咱们雅思口语Part1的题目时:Are there many places to swim near you? 我们同学的开头回答是这样的:There’s an ocean no far from our dorm. (节选同学的回答)或是Right in my school there is an outdoor swimming pool.(节选同学的回答) 抛开语法正确与否,我们同学开头句话会直接去回答更为详细的内容部分,而不做出任何直接的应题。这在考官听来就是完全的跑题。并且他会觉得你听不懂问题,而导致回答内容上出现很大的问题。 雅思口语part1答题误区二:题意理解错误,导致回答跑题 有一次咱们的每日练习题是:What kinds of apps do you often use? 这种问法是雅思口语P1P3的一类高频问法,什么种类。 但咱们同学90%以上的回答都是I often use Wechat, Youdao, Taobao… 考官心里打满问号,然后说:We use What’s app, google and amazon…… 哎,这回答丢分真的好可惜。 请大看清,题目问的是什么种类?而不是你经常用哪个app?什么是种类?scheduling app 时间安排类, information storage app 信息存储类, social networking app 社交软件类, games app 游戏类, lifestyle app 生活类等,这些都是种类,而不是具体的某一个app。 所以在题目的准确度上,咱们的句回答又一次出现了偏差。 雅思口语part1答题误区三:Yes or No 回答方式 还有一种常见的问题就是直接用Yes or No.去回答题目。这样的回答本身并无错误,但同样也没有太多出彩的地方。往往句回答是我们状态好,大脑负担少的状态,我们应该好好的利用这个机会,争取在答题开头部分多些加分项。 比如做到:paraphrasing, use less common words or idioms等,但一句简单的Yes or No, 是无法让考官给你加分的。并且这样的回答会伴随另一个问题的出现就是-重复原题。 当考官问:Would you say your hometown is a good place to live? 我们的回答是:Yes, my hometown is a good place to live. 对于计划6分的同学这样计划守的开头回答是可以的,至少不会出错,但要冲高的同学请看下文。 上述提到的问题,同学们应该自我检查并且避免,那我们应该如何提高呢? 雅思口语part1答题技巧一.学会使用filler 什么是Filler? Filler 可以理解为语气词,本身并无实际含义,但是可以起到口语表达中链接自己语句之间空白部分,或者可以作为开头的引入语,让整体表达听上去更Native,比如Well。 同样的,当考官问到:What kinds of apps do you often use?你的句可以这样回答:Well, apps for social networking are the most prevalent choice I use in my daily life. 确认回答的是“类别”而不是具体的某项app。二用well作为开头回答的个词,会让人感觉回答不那么突兀。让listener也就是考官有一个准备的意识,知道这个同学即将要开始答题了。 所有的语言都有类似这样的语气词,中文常说的是:嗯或额。这些词本身并无实际意义,但在正式回答之前说出来会让人觉得比较自然而不是像机器人siri那样去说话。 口语做到表达自然也是我们的目标之一,因为我们要避免机械化的发音,这也是我们评分标准当中的抛分项之一。 雅思口语part1答题技巧二、高端应题词汇的使用 对于Would you say your hometown is a good place to live?这样的问题,在不使用Yes or No的回答方式下,我们可以尝使用更为强烈的表达方式,如:Definitely, Absolutely, You bet. 这些都是表示Yes的更为高端的说法。 其实并不难,只是换了一个词而已,但这样的表达方式无论是在Jerry美的日常生活中,还是在我与美其他的外教IELTS Teachers 沟通的时候,我们都会建议考生能够用上类似的词汇以满足雅思口语的评分标准以便达到更高的分数。 有没有感觉原来雅思口语还可以这么简单,但怎么自己就没有想到?没关系有Jerry在,我会一项一项告诉你。 雅思口语part1答题技巧三、 确计划回答中有重点 在Jerry点评的同学中,90%以上都是语音语调非常的平淡,感觉大的生活毫无波澜,一种浑浑噩噩的感觉。这样不仅考官听着心情不悦,而且也满足不了雅思的评分要求。因为在评分标准中有强调要有语音语调。 比如:I’m not a big fan of water, so I don’t wanna have a boat. 我们可以强调的是I’m not a big fan of water, so I don’t wanna have a boat. 正如我之前所说,开头句话我们可以融入的加分项还是很多的,因为我们的大脑有相对多的准备时间。虽然能否长时间维持住这种状态,需要靠大量的练习来提高,但如果只是让开头句说的富有感情应该还是很容易做到的。 以上就是小编为大带来的《拒见光死 雅思口语part1答题技巧实例讲解》的全部内容。要想拳打雅思口语part1,脚踢雅思口语part23,请持续关注上海环球青藤。

