

雅思口语rain-雅思口语rainy days


寒冷雅思口语rain的-chilly 霜冻-frost 冰冷雅思口语rain的-icy 雨夹雪-sleet 暴风雪-blizzards

雪堆-snowdrift 融化-melt 透不过气的-stifling 潮湿的-humid -damp

燥热的-scorching -boiling 温和的-mild 毛毛雨-drizzle 大雾-thick fog



易变的-changeable 破坏- destory 地震-earthquake 洪水-blood 伤亡-casualty 强风-strong wind 影响心情-affect mood 发脾气-lose temper 引起房屋和财产的破坏-cause damage to houses and property 减小灾难的影响-minimize the effects of disasters 精确的天气预报-accurate weather forecast 采取预防措施-take precautions






• Will the rain change your mood?

• How rainy days affect people’s life?

• Do you often take raincoats or umbrellas with you?

• Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your hometown?

Rainy days

• Do people like raining?

• Do you often take raincoats or umbrellas with you?

• Does it rain much in China? (Where? When?)

• Is there any part of China where it doesn't rain much?

• When (in what month/season) does it rain most in your hometown?

• In which season does it rain most in other parts of China?

• Can you remember any time when it rained particularly heavily in your


• Have you ever taken any training?

• What skills have you learned? Why?


Describe someone who is a good parent

Describe an advertisement (that you saw or heard or liked)

Describe something or activity you do to stay healthy

Describe a traditional product in your country

Describe a public park or garden

Describe an occasion where somebody gave you positive suggestions.

You should say:

when you received

who gave you the suggestions

what you did and explain why the suggestions were positive/how you felt

From a parent’s perspective, is it useful to give children positive feedback?

What are the advantages of giving people positive feedback?

What would happen if parents overly encourage their children?

Who needs more encouragement, boys or girls?

Do you think parents should reward their children if they achieve something?


Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?

Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves?

Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?

Would you live in a foreign country in the future?

How does the modern home design (both inside outside appearance) in your country differ from that of the past?

ln your country, what type of home do most people live in?



longturn,考官随机抽取一张题目卡(topic card),考生准备一分钟,然后就该题目进行1-2分钟的个人陈述;第3阶段为two-way









discus? 因此措辞上尽量正式点,在词汇和句型的选择上可以借鉴写作的做法。就话题而言,由于该阶段涵盖的多为issue,如 social




Part 1 Topics and Questions


Do you work or are you a student

Your Studies

What subject are you studying(= What's your

major? inAmerican English)

Why did you choose to study that

Where do you study

Do you like your university/school(Why?/ Why


Does your university specialize in any


Is there anyone who helps (helped) you (with

yourstudies) at university/school(Who In what way?) (Who give you the most


Do you often get together with ( = go out

with = dothings in your free time with ) your classmates after classes(What do

you do?)

2. Your Hometown

Whereabouts (=where) did you grow up (Or,

Where were youborn?)

Is that a city or is it in the


Do you still live there

Does (do) your family still live there

What kind of place is your hometown(=

Describe yourhometown) *

How has your hometown changed in recent

years(e.g., thepast 20 years or since you were a child)

What part of your hometown do you like

best(Why?) (=What's the best thing about your hometown= What do you find most

attractiveabout your hometown?)

What's the most famous (= well-known) place

in yourhometown

Note: One of the two topics above is a

compulsory topic.

3. Secondary


Note 1: It seems that you could be asked

about your secondaryschool studies even if you are working now or a university

student now.However, if you are a university student (and especially if you are

a secondarystudent now) and if you answered 1b, above, you probably will not get

thesequestions. Everyone should prepare for this topic because if you get

'Hometown'as your first topic, 'Secondary School' is possible as one of your


Note 2: 'Secondary school' means the same as

'highschool'. Unlike China and the U.S.A., most students in Britain and

Australia goto one school from the age of about 12 to 18, called 'secondary

school' (= highschool). However, there are also a small number of 'Junior High

Schools' and'Senior High Schools' in Britain and Australia.

What subjects did you study in secondary

school (= highschool)*

What was your favourite subject ( = class) in

secondaryschool(= high school)

And which class (= subject) did you like the


Which secondary school subject do you think

is mostuseful for people in adult life

What part of your secondary school education

did youenjoy most?

4. Leisure Time

When do you have free time

How do you like to relax(What’s your

favourite way torelax?)

How do Chinese people like to relax

Do you think it's important to have leisure


How does that (the way Chinese people like to

relax)compare with western countries

Do your friends ever come to your home in

their free timeWhat do you usually do together?

How do you think people will relax in the


Compare the way people in China relax today

and the waythey used to relax years ago.

In your leisure time, what do you usually do

with friendsor family(= Do you do things in your leisure time with friends or


Do you have any hobbies or interests(= What

are yourhobbies or interests?)

What do you do in your holidays (=

vacations)(= How doyou spend your holidays?) Or: How do people in China spend

their holidays?

Do you like to travel (in your holidays or

free time)(Why?)

5. Rain

Does it rain much in


Is there any part of China where it doesn't

rainmuch(Where?) (or: Is there an even distribution of rain throughout


When (in what month/season) does it rain most

in yourhometown

What about the other parts of China(In which

season doesit rain most in other parts of China?)

Can you remember any time when it rained

particularlyheavily in your hometown(When?)

Does rain ever affect transportation in


How does rain affect different people’s moods

(Or: Howdoes rain effect people's lives?)

Do you like rainy days(= How do you feel on

rainy days=Do you feel sad on rainy days?)

What do you do on rainy day

Do you think rain is good(Why?)

Do you think the seasons have changed in

recent years,compared to the past

6. Restaurants

Do you usually go out to eat or do you

usually eat athome

How often do you go to a restaurant (to

eat)(Do you oftengo to restaurants (to eat)How often?)

Why do you (or, why do people) go to


What kind of restaurants do you like(prefer)

(Why?) (Or,How do you choose which restaurant to go to?)

What kind of restaurants do young people in


What do you usually do there

What kind of foods do you (or Chinese people)

like to eatin restaurants

How (do you think) restaurants have changed,

over thepast few years(=How are restaurants today different to those of


How do you think they will (might) change in

the future*

What skills do people need to work in a



Do you often write letters(How often do you


Who do you usually write to and what do you

write about

What (do you think) is the most difficult

kind of letter(or email) to write(Why?)

Do you prefer to write letters or


What role do emails (or letters) play in your

life( = Whydo you write these emails or letters?)

How often do you write emails

What kinds of emails (or letters) do you most

like receiving(Why?)(= What kinds of emails/letters make you happy?)

What are the differences between handwritten

letters andemails

Do you think it is a good thing that some

companies sendout letters/spam emails for the purpose of advertising*

8. Television and


What kind of entertainment do you prefer, TV


How are radio programs and television

programs different

What programs do you like to watch/listen to

When do you watch TV/listen to the radio

In China, has television/radio changed much

in recentyears

How do you think TV/radio broadcasts in China

could beimproved

Do you prefer TV news or news on the

radio(Why?) *

9. Daily Routine

Tell me something about your daily routine.

(If you do not work) For you, what's the best

time of dayfor studying

(If you work) For you, what's the best time

of day (or,day of the week) for working?

What part of the (= your) day do you like


If you could make one change to your daily

routine, whatwould it be?

If you had more free time, what would you


Do you get together with your fellow

students/workcolleagues (=classmates/workmates) after classes/work(What do you

do?) [Thisquestions possibly in Work/Studies topic.]


Do you like to travel (in your holidays or


Do you think it's important to travel during

yourholidays(Why?/Why not?)

Do you think it's necessary to travel in

order to enjoyyour holidays(Why?/Why not?)

Where do you like to go(If you say you like

to travel ordo, in fact travel in your holidays.)

Are holidays important (to people/to

you)(Why?) Or: Do you think holidaysare necessary(Why?) Or: Why do we need to

have holidays?






影响类题目是指题目中出现“effect”“affect”等关键词的题目,如:What are the effects of playing indoor games on children。按照事物的发展规律,凡事有因必有果,有行为就必有影响,只是影响的好坏大小各不相同。因此,影响类题目一直是雅思口语考试Part1话题中的热门问题。而经过一番研究我们会发现,几乎所有Part1的话题都包含影响类的题目。




从宏观上看,影响类题目可以分为显性影响类题目和隐性影响类题目。所谓显性影响类话题,是指带有“effect”“affect”等词,可以明显判断出答题方向的题目。例如,雅思口语Part1中有这样一题——What are the effects of music on people’s life and work, 这就是显性影响类的典型问题。而所谓隐性影响类话题,是指问题中不带有“effect”“affect”等词,无法直接判断应该从影响角度切入回答的话题。但是通过一定的转换,我们可以把隐性影响类话题变为显性影响类话题。举一个例子:Do you think weekends are important to us, why or why not。虽然这题题目中没有“effect”“affect”等词,但通过分析,我们发现这题也属于影响类题目。大家都知道,周末对我们来说是很重要的,而其中的原因无外乎是关于周末对我们带来的好的影响。因此,这题就可以转换为:What are the good effects of weekends on people, 从影响的角度来回答。

从微观上看,影响类题目可以分为正面影响、负面影响和正负影响兼有三种题目。正面影响类题目是指题目中有出现“good”“positive”等词的问题,如What are the good effects of sports on people。负面影响类题目是指题目中有出现“bad”“negative”等词的问题,如What are the bad effects of noise on people’s life and work? 而正负影响兼有的题目,往往题目中只有“effect”“affect”等词,回答时最好从正面和负面影响两个角度同时入手。例如雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:What are the effects of rain on people’s life? 下雨对人们的影响大部分都是负面的,但是雨对于干旱地区的农民来说,影响恐怕就是正面的了。因此,这种题目从正反两个角度切入会比较全面。





There are many good points about…, such as…

I think the negative side outweighs the positive side.

The effects of … can be divided into two groups.


…is beneficial for…

…is harmful to…

…has a great impact on…

The effect of … is that…

…will be affected by…

…is good/bad for…

…helps… to…

…is useful for…to…


First of all,…. Next,…. Last but not least,….

At first,…. Additional,…. Lastly,….

To begin with,…. In addition,…. At last,….

掌握以上句型,能够更好地帮助我们回答影响类题目。我们来看一个例子。雅思口语Part1中有这样一题:What are the effects of spare time on people’s life? 因为句中出现“effect”一词,所以它属于显性影响类题目,并且通过进一步分析,这道题属于正面影响类话题。我们完全可以利用影响类句型回答这个问题:There are many good effects of spare time on people’s life. First of all, it is beneficial for people to have a good mood so that they can have a more positive attitude toward life. Next, it helps people to relax themselves and improve people’s working efficiency. Last but not least, we can learn many useful things in spare time.


雅思口语Part1中还有这样一题:What are the effects of weekends on people’s life。细心的考生可能已经发现这题和What are the effects of spare time on people’s life非常类似。稍加改动,我们就能将答案进行嫁接。因此我们发现,不少事物的影响其实是相通的。考生在平时有必要积累一些常见影响素材,以便考试时更加从容地回答影响类题目。


It gives people a good mood so that they can have a more positive attitude toward life.

It helps people to relax themselves and improve people’s working efficiency.

We can learn many useful things in it.

People can improve their physical and mental health.

It is a good chance for people to make more friends.

It is beneficial for people to release their pressure and get rid of their burden.


It makes people feel upset and anxious.

It is harmful to people’s physical and mental health.

It is inconvenient for people.

It reduces people’s working efficiency.

People may become lazy and lose themselves in it.

A lot of disasters will be caused by it.




What are the effects of western culture on Chinese wedding?

Does western culture have any effect on Chinese name?

What are the good effects of holding Olympic Games on a country?


雅思口语话题favourite weather怎么说

1. What is the climate like in your hometown?

It's generally very hot in the summer, like about 40 degrees Celsius. In the winter, it's coldabout minus 14 degrees Celsius. The spring and autumn are both mild and pleasant, with temperatures ranging from around 12 to 25 degrees Celsius. Oh, and summertime is extremely humid as well..

There are four seasons. Winter is cold and snowy; spring is short and rainy; summer is hot and humid; and autumn is beautiful.

2. What is the weather like in Beijing?

In general, it's pretty dry. Winters are a bit cold. They are dry and windy, with a bit of snow. Spring is short and a bit windy. Summers are hot and a bit more humid, and temperatures can go as high as 30 degrees, so it can be kind of uncomfortable in the summer unless you have air conditioning. Fall is probably the best season-it's very comfortable-not windy, and not too cold or hot like the other seasons.

3. How would you compare the climate in your hometown with other cities? Well there are definitely places that have a milder climate. My hometown's weather is a little bit uncomfortable for some people in the summer and winter. There are places where the weather is quite stable all year round. On the other hand, there are some places where the weather's even worse, like in Daqing.

4. What're the advantages and disadvantages of the weather in your hometown?

Advantages and disadvantages? That's a difficult question to answer, let me think for a second. Well, I guess the main advantage is that its dry, so we don't have to worry about too much rain, and the winters are not too cold like in some other places in northern China. The disadvantage is that it can get windy here, and when there is a sandstorm, well, that can be terrible to put up with.

5. What's your favorite weather in your hometown?

Actually, I've never thought about that. I guess it would have to be a sunny but not too hot day. It would be just a bit hot, like the kind of weather we get here in Beijing during autumn.


雅思口语第三部分往往是对于第二部分的一个拓展衍生,这部分的问题比较的深入,有时候是需要考生有一个批判性的思考方式。所以环球青藤老师就来谈谈如何应对雅思口语Part3的利弊分析。出题方式:What are the advantages and disadvantages of ….?解题思路:利弊分析,即要求考生讨论advantages disadvantages,建议考生从不同角度不同方面去考虑这个问题。比如从个人和社会角度,从科教文卫体五大角度等等。总之,在回答的时候,可以适当地对于分析对象进行分类,然后阐述观点。考生的回答思路大致如下:首先先明确地指出优缺点,建议用一句话概述即可。然后给出具体的理由或者例子进行解释说明。随后进行总结,究竟是利大于弊还是弊大于利或者视情况而定。常用表达:One of the main advantages of….A key advantages of….A really good thing about….Another advantage of….Another good thing about…范例:What are the advantages and disadvantages of working outdoors?I think it really depends on what kind of job you have outdoors. In general, most outdoor jobs are quite physical, so I think that they can help people keep fit and healthy as well as being outside in the open air. On the other hand, it can be awful to work outside because you may have to work in terrible weather, like rain, snow and extreme cold.分析:这道题目是问户外工作的优缺点。考生的回答很客观,这要视工作性质而定。大多数的情况下,户外工作是需要体力劳动的,这有助于人们计划持健康,但是有时候在恶劣环境下工作是非常可怕的,比如暴雨暴雪或者是很冷的天气。考生将优缺点描述的很清楚,结构与思路也十分清晰,是值得学习的。练习:接下来的几道题目,学生可以自己利用上述方法进行练习,体会其中的解题技巧和步骤。What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping pets?What are the advantages and disadvantages of public transportation?What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a big family?

