31种雅思口语高分必背公式 全部mp3
31 种雅思口语高分必背公式
1 Do you prefer X to Y?
State which one you prefer.
Compare the two things the examiner mentions.
Give reasons and examples to explain why.
2 What do you usually / normally do?
Say what you do at the time the examiner asks you about.
Say how often you do these things.
3 What do you like to do (in your spare time)?
Identify a couple of things you like doing.
Describe why you like them.
4 What do you dislike about X?
Identify which aspects of the topic you don’t like - name just one or two things.
Describe the dislike degree you have for them.
Give examples why you don’t like them.
5 How often do you do X?
Say how frequently you do the activity the examiner asks you about.
Explain why you do it that frequently.
6 What do you like most about X?
Say which aspect of X you like the most.
Explain why.
7 Is X popular (in your country)?
Show you understand the question is asking about people in general and not you.
Talk about types of people in the society like a native.
Talk about how many people like to do X.
8 What is the best time (of year) to do X?
Tell the examiner which time is best for X.
Describe what the conditions at that time are (i.e. weather, social conditions).
Explain why that is the best time.
9 Why do some people like X?
Describe why some people enjoy X or doing X.
Say which types of people or personalities enjoy it.
Explain why it is good for them and why they might like it.
10 When was the first / last time you did something?
Say when you last did it.
Say why you did it.
Describe what the experience was like.
11 Did you ever learn to do X?
Say if you did learn to do X and when you learned to do it.
Say who taught you to do X.
Say what their personality was like as a teacher.
12 How has X changed?
Say whether X has changed or not.
Compare what X was like in the past and what X is like now.
13 How would you improve X?
Identify problems with X.
Talk about what you would do to solve them / make them better.
Say what the positive results of these changes would be.
14 How important is X?
Say whether X is important or not.
Say how important X is.
Say why it is important or unimportant.
15 What do you want / hope to do (in the future).
Say what your ambition for the future is.
Say why you want to achieve it.
Say how you hope to achieve it.
16 Do people do / get enough X?
Say whether you believe people get or do enough X.
Say which types of people get or do not get enough X.
Say why they should get or do more X.
17 How can people find out about X?
Say how people usually obtain information.
Explain what you do to stay up-to-date,
Show how reliable these sources are.
18 Should people be given X?
Show that you are aware the question is
asking about people in general and not you.
Say whether you think X should or should not be given to people.
Give reasons to support your opinion.
19 Is it difficult to do X?
Say how difficult you think it is to do X.
Talk a little about the learning process.
20 Is X suitable for (types of people)?
Say whether X is suitable or not.
Give reasons and examples.
21 Person Monologue.
Say who they are and how you know them.
Say what they are like and what they do.
Say what they have achieved and how they have influenced you.
Say why you are special and how you feel about them.
22 Place Monologue.
Say what it is and where it is.
Say what it looks like.
Say what its purpose is.
Say why it is special and how you feel about it.
23 Object Monologue.
Say what it is and why you have it.
Say what its purpose is.
Evaluate it.
Say why it is important and how you feel about it.
24 Past Event Monologue.
Say what it was and when it happened.
Say why it happened, when it happened and who was there.
Say what happened.
Say why the event was special and how you feel / felt about it.
25 Giving and supporting opinions.
Introduce and state your opinions clearly.
Support your opinions with reasons or examples.
26 Evaluating two different opinions.
Talk about which types of people hold which opinions.
State why different people hold these opinions.
27 Agreeing and disagreeing.
Decide what your opinion is about the question the examiner asks.
1. If you agree, you should:
State your agreement. / Give reasons why you agree.
2. If you only partially agree / disagree, you should:
Say to what extent you agree then state your disagreement. / Give reasons to support this.
3. If you totally disagree, you should:
State your strong disagreement politely. / Give reasons why you disagree.
28 Talking about advantages and disadvantages.
There are three types of questions the examiner is likely to ask you:
1. What are the advantages of X?
2. What are the disadvantages of X?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of X?
29 Assessing degree of importance or priority.
Say how important you think X is.
Compare the importance of X with other things.
Explain why you think this.
30 Proposing solutions to problems.
Identify the problems.
Suggest solutions.
Suggest definite actions that should be taken.
31 Speculating about future events and outcomes.
State present conditions.
Predict future outcomes.
Talk about what will happen in the future if we take certain steps.
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