做兼职托福口语范文的利弊2023 年11月26日托福口语真题Yourfriendisgoingtodoaparttimejob.Describetheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofdoingaparttimejob.2023 年11月26日托福口语真题1.Doyouagreeordisagreethatoneofyourfriendsisplanningtoworkpart-timewhilestudyingoncampus?托福口语范文一:Well托福口语范文,therearenumerousbenefitstoholdaparttimejob.Studentscangetvaluableworkingexperienceandrealworldexposure,thustheycanwritethisontheirresume,andemployersvaluethisexperience,consequently,itgivesstudentsabettershottofindajobinthefuture.However,therearesomedrags,itwillcoststudentstoomuchtimeandtheywillbetoostressedout.Youknow,studentshavealreadybeenoverwhelmedwithalotofassignment,likepresentations,groupprojectandsometimestheyhavetostayuplatetocramforexams,andgettingaparttimejobonlymakesthemstressedout.托福口语范文二:SampleanswerIpersonallywouldagreewithhisorheraction.Thereareseveralreasons.Tostartwith,workingpart-timewillnotonlygetyoubillsbutalsopreciousexperienceifyouchoosearightjobtodo.Forexample,Ihaveapart-timejobinmycollegeworkinginawoodfactoryandIhappenedtomajorinbusiness.Duringthework,IactuallymakesenseofthecurrencyflowbythetheoriesIlearntbackoncampuswhileatthesametimeIcouldearnthemoneythatisfairlyenoughformyfoodcostandsupplementforworkingout.Soasaresult,Iwoulddefinitelysupportwithhimorhertoworkpart-time.托福口语范文三:Task1参考答案:WellIthinkdoingpart-timejobshasthefollowingadvantages:first,ithelpsustoenlargesocialcircle,accumulatesocialexperienceandstrikeabalancebetweenstudyandwork,thusenhanceourtimemanagementandmulti-taskingskills;second,ithelpsustobecomefinanciallyindependentandbeabletosharefinancialburdenofourparents.Asforitsdisadvantages,Ithinksafetyconcerns,andtimeorenergyinvestmentshouldbetakenintoconsideration.T2:Ifthefollowingtwothingsoverlapwitheachother,whichwouldyouprefer:dinnertogetherwithyourfamilyorattendyourfriends’partyontheweekend?TASK2
Well, personally, I don't agree with this statement and I think that young doctors are better than experienced doctors. Actually, some of the doctors might be very young, however they might have done a lot of complicated surgeries and saved a dozen of people's lives. Age cannot be a decisive factor in judging the competency of a doctor. Additionally, lots of experienced doctors lack of the enthusiasm that most of the young doctors have since they have been practicing for afew decades, thus they might get slack in their research or might not be motivated to practice anymore.
I think the statement it’s not necessary true. Sure, generally speaking, doctors need years of practice to be skilled, to be able to diagnose fast and cure terrible diseases. But for most of us, when we have minor discomfort and go to a hospital, we just want to be properly tended to. And young doctors can also do a good job. I remember one time my grandma had a severe stomachache and some of my family members took her to hospital. It was late at night, there wasn’t any high-ranked experienced doctors around, just a young doctor on duty. He was patient, nice, professional, and took quite good care of my grandma. In many cases like that young doctors are just as good as experienced ones.
托福口语范文一: 不同意托福口语范文的观点
I disagree with the statement and I think whether people should retire
depends on their own. For those who have been devoted to their career and still
feel energetic and passionate towards their career, even though they turn to 65
years old, can still be given chances to do what they love. Take Mike, a current
colleague, as an example. Though he is older than 65years ago and retired from
his previous company, he still chooses to be hired again as an English teacher
since he cannot stop sharing his life experience and knowledge with others.
Besides, for those who have already felt tired after working many years should
also be given a choice to live a life they wish, like staying at home or
traveling across the country or just accompanying their grandchildren.
托福口语范文二: 同意托福口语范文的观点
I agree with the idea people can retire at the age of 65.
On one hand, nowadays people can be healthier than that in the past when
they are at the age of 65. According to a health survey done by the health
authority in my city last year, over 80 percentage of the citizens in my city
are less likely to get severe diseases when they are over 60 or 65, so they can
do their jobs happily and healthily.
On the other hand, for some occupations people can be highly productive
when they are getting old, such as professors, doctors, scientists, editors and
so on. At the age of the sixties, they may achieve many honors or publish many
works. If they retire at a young age, it's really a pity
托福口语题目:Some people think historical sites ought to be open to the general public, while some people think historical sites should only be open to experts and researchers. Which opinion do you agree and why? Give specific explanation in your response.一些人认为历史遗迹应该对公众开放,另一些人认为这些遗迹应该只对专家和研究人员开放。你同意哪种观点,为什么。
郝新宇老师的Sample response:
I think historical sites should be open to the general public.
For one thing, this gives people the chance to learn historical and cultural knowledge. By visiting those sites, people can know what food people ate in the past, what tools they used when foraging, what was people’s life like in different empires, which is beneficial to both adults and children.
For another thing, this brings economic benefits. By opening to the general public, visitors will beat tracted and will pay ticket money for those sites, then those sites will have more money to do the maintenance and repairs, better protecting those historical relics.
托福口语题目:After receiving some presents, several months later, some people choose to sell the gifts or give the gifts to others. Do you think it’s a good idea and why? Give specific explanation in your response.收到礼物几个月后,一些人会卖掉礼物或转送他人。你是否认为这是个好主意,为什么。请在回答中给出具体的解释。
郝新宇老师的Sample response:
Personally speaking, I don’t think it's a good idea. The main reason is this choice will lose the meaning of giving presents. When giving you a present, no matter it is for your birthday or for the Christmas or for the New year or something else, the present represents the wish, the care, the love to you given by your friends; such good blessing is priceless and worth remembering everlastingly. However, if selling them or giving them to others, it means you don't cherish them, the good blessing to you is gone, which will make people giving you presents heart-breaking or even annoyed.
托福口语题目:Your school is about to close the computer labs in the teaching buildings, do you agree or disagree with the statement? Give specific explanation in your response.学校将关闭教学楼里的计算机机房,你是否支持这一决定,请给出具体的解释。
郝新宇老师的Sample response:
Personally speaking, I agree with the statement. The benefit is this choice can help the school save a bunch of money. Nowadays in my city all the students have their own laptop and they like to finish various assignments on their own laptop because it is really convenient. Not even once will many students go to the computer labs in schools. Thus, if closing the computer labs, the school doesn’t need to buy the computers, doesn’t need to spend money on the maintenance and repairs and doesn’t need to cover the electricity money, which is really economical. Then the school can use the saved money to do more researches.
托福口语题目:Which of the following universities would you prefer to choose? A university with high academic ability and with high tuition or A university with mediocre academic ability but gives you scholarship. Give specific explanation in your response.你倾向于就读以下哪种大学?学术水平高、学费高的大学,还是学术水平一般但给你奖学金的学校。给出具体的理由。
郝新宇老师的Sample response:
Personally speaking, I prefer professors make decisions. The main reason is professors’ choices tend to be mature and informed. They are clear about what students should learn and master for certain subjects. Taking the economics for example, professors have been investigating in this field for decades, they know students should learn courses like mathematics, econometrics, statistics, finance and so on, so as to master the skills needed in economics. However, if choosing by students, they are likely to be in a puzzle or at a loss about which courses to learn, consequently they may not learn necessary knowledge and achieve desired results.
郝新宇老师的Sample response:
Personally speaking, I think animals should be entitled to have the same right to pursue happiness and health as humans. The main reason is that this will enable our human beings to have a harmonious society. Animals, especially pets, no matterit is a dog or a cat, should also have the right to have healthy food to eat, clean water to drink, warm houses to live in and good environment to enjoy and so on. In this way, the animals will feel happy and our human beings will feel relieved. However, if animals don’t have such right, when animals are extremely hungry or thirsty, they may even bite or hurt people. Oh, nightmare!
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1. 数字论证 这种论证技巧在第二课《不要伤害蜘蛛》(spare that spider)中比较典型。这篇课文是要说明蜘蛛给人类带来的巨大好处,以此劝告人们不要伤害蜘蛛。作者为了告诉读者蜘蛛杀死害虫的数目巨大,用了一系列的数字,比如,一英亩的场地就有2,250,000只蜘蛛,相当于一个足球场就有6,000,000蜘蛛。1和2,250,000,1和6,000,000相比,读者一眼就能发现蜘蛛的数量之多,就可以想象出每年蜘蛛将清除多少的害虫。
2. 比较论证 我们还是用第二课为例。作者在第一段中将蜘蛛与鸟类和兽类做比较,指出:all of them(birds and beasts) put together kill only a fraction of the member destroyed by spiders. 这样就突出了蜘蛛在清除害虫方面的重要性。接着,作者又写道:Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings。看到此处,面对如此有百利而无一害的蜘蛛,读者当然不忍心再去伤害了,而作者的论证也就达到了目的。
3. “以退为进”法 这种技巧适用于驳论。作者先把要反驳的与自己论点相对的论点摆出来,然后用事实来推翻,这样就更能证明自己论点的正确性。我们以十九课《话说梦的本质》(The stuff of dreams)为例:作者首先提出大家习以为常的论点,即认为睡眠的作用是让身体休息,这符合读者的直觉,接着,作者用确凿的证据表明,身体休息并不是非得依靠睡眠。这样,读者在自己直觉上认为正确的论点被反驳后,就易于接受作者下文论证的观点。
再比如十四课《蝴蝶效应》(The Butterfly Effect),作者的论点是:再好的天气预报的预测性也不会超过七天。文中最有说服力也是最精彩的论证也是用的“以退为进”法:作者在第二段中先假设了一个最为精确的理想化的气象预报仪器设备,让读者感觉这种设备已经到达了极致,在理论上可以推翻作者的论点。但是接着,作者还是用科学证据表明,即使用这种现实中不可能采用的理想化仪器,依然不能解决问题。这样,读者就没有任何理由不接受作者的观点了。
1. 句式的变化
2. 修辞格的使用