




下面就来看看考官会如何作答吧! 题目拯救大兵瑞恩 Saving Private Ryan

Well, actually1,the kind of films I like best are probably2 the older ones. For example3, oneof my favourites is Saving Private Ryan. I think I like war movies and I particularlylike that one, I suppose4 because5 the acting is excellent with Tom Hanks6 anda bunch of other people who are really really good. It’s a good story but Isuppose the thing that is most impressive for me is that initial opening scenewhere the troops are actually landing in Normandyon the beaches. It’s very meaningful for me because my dad was in the SecondWorld War and also because I visited those beaches in Normandy7. It’s easy forme, having been there8, to imagine what those guys were actually facing as theycame off the landing craft and had to face a hail of bullets from the Germanmachine gun posts. And I think the other reason I really like that film isbecause it represents Americawhen America was great, whenAmericawas at its best. Around the time of the Second World War, I think America was abeacon (灯塔) for many countries.It seemed to be freer, and more powerful, more hopeful, more optimistic as wellas gutsy9 (勇敢的). Itseemed to offer more pleasure for human beings as a nation and to be less clutteredup by old traditions that weren’t very useful any more. So I think that’s oneof the reasons I really like that film10 because it represents the best of theUS whereas now I guess the US is a bit more in decline。

雅思口语Part 2备考要点

1. 控制好说话的节奏,给自己留出思考的时间;

2. 使用副词可以增加表达的准确度,所以不要吝啬使用;

3. for example 就像一个符号,标志着你的表述即将进入具体直观的部分;

4. 用I suppose 代替了I think。平心而论后者雅思口语外国名人我们已经用得太多了;

5. “因为„„所以„„”是表现思想逻辑的最基本形式;

6. 如果能够熟练说出几个外国名人的名字,就能给考官留下一个更好的印象,也使得你的回答更具有个人特色和可信度;

7. 将话题与个人经历联系起来,增加了真实性和故事性;

8. 分词短语作插入语,使得语言的节奏感和灵活性跃然纸上,希望你能重点模仿! 9. 通过这种排比式的强调既可以使语言更有说服力又可以展现丰富的词汇; 10. 回答要有头有尾!不必进行过多描述,但保证完整性是有效交流的必要原则。

总之,雅思口语Part 2要求同学们有很好的语言组织能力和流畅的口语能力,这样才能将2分钟的雅思口语Part 2说的更饱满,获得雅思口语考官的青睐。




其实看最后能不能得5.5以上,就看part3 问的问题数量的多少了。越多你的分数就会越高。你这已经问到教育的问题了,基本就肯定5.5以上了,如果你其他部分答得也不错,再碰上他心情好,6也是很有可能的呵呵。如果他要是问到沙漠化、。。。。之类的你用中文都不会回答的问题的时候,即使你没答上来,基本也能奔7了。

Best wishes for u!



I think the main advantages of becoming a celebrity are earning lots of money and receiving special treatment wherever you go.


I would imagine that if you're a celebrity you get extra special VIP service wherever you go.


I'm sure celebrities don't have to stand in line like normal people do. In addition, I'm sure if you're a celebrity, you get many things for free as a form of advertising.


In my opinion, the main disadvantage of becoming a celebrity is the lack of privacy.


Everywhere you go, whatever you do, there are people looking at you and taking photographs of you.


This must feel very intrusive, especially if you don't look your best or you're not feeling well.


雅思口语a movie star问什么问题&人物篇复习资料回顾

人物这个考点在雅思口语中的出现率还是非常高的。除雅思口语外国名人了描述一些我们身边的普通人之外还会被要求描述那些名人伟人等。下面雅思口语外国名人,环球青藤就和大家来聊聊雅思口语a movie star问什么问题人物篇复习资料回顾,旨在启发大家雅思口语人物篇回答的答题思路!雅思口语a movie star会问的问题对于这一类考题当然上一讲中的人物外貌、性格等的描述都还是能用上的。但是它的特色是会涉及到其它类别的考题。比如:◆ What did he/she do?◆ What role did he/she play in the film?◆ What is the film about?◆ What kind of music does he/she play?◆ Which films did he/she act in?这些问题的回答都需要涉及体育、电影、音乐等一类话题中的内容。这些话题我们在后面几讲中都会有详细的论述。所以我们在准备的时候一定切忌太小范围的押题,而是要对常考的话题有一个系统的学习,这样才能在考试中应对自如,取得满意的成绩。雅思口语人物篇复习资料回顾此外,还有些问题和这些名人的特之处有关,比如:◆ How has he/she influenced you?◆ What is special about him/her?◆ Why would you like to meet him/her?{复习资料回放}He is the icon of Chinese sport and the most popular Olympic athlete. He is as famous as Houston Rockets center Yao Ming in China. You may have figured out who I am going to describe today. Yes, it’s Liu Xiang, the Flying Man, whose image is slapped everywhere, no matter on buses, billboards or television advertisements. His importance to China can never be overestimated.对于一个知名度非常高的人,环球青藤建议考生完全不需要在开头直接报出其名字。可以先设置一下悬疑,列举一下这个人的特个性、头衔、作品等具代表性的东西,这样可以引起听者的兴趣。同时,在这里也用了类比的方法,同时提到了刘翔和姚明,让听者对所要描述的人有个更好的认识。以上即是本次环球青藤为大家整理的雅思口语a movie star问什么问题以及历年雅思口语人物篇的复习资料回顾,希望大家能及时准备相关人物的雅思口语考试,后环球青藤祝愿各位考试顺利!

